Sicily’s Dreamy Southwest Mountain Towns

Outside of town heading into the countryside, the area has a strong agriculture industry ranging from olive oil production to wine production, along with pistachios and almonds. It seems like everyone is a local artesian farmer producing the best. They are.. No joke, the flavors coming from this region are the best I have ever tasted. The olive oil is like butter and Sicilian’s consume more olive oil per person on a yearly basis than anywhere else in the world. The restaurants in the area are top notch. I highly recommend Lady Rose or La Torretta for dinner.

The area has a growing expat community as well. Low real estate prices mixed with high inventory makes purchasing attractive for the foreign investor looking for permanent residence or a vacation home. Right now the dollar is stronger than the euro which gets you more bang for the buck. Plus the overall cost of living is a fraction of the cost of living in the states and there is a price point for every buyer in Sicily.

Sicily has over 250 days of sunshine a year, surrounded by the Mediterranean and offers some of the best food and wine on the planet. Also it is super easy to buy in Italy as an American. Little to no red tape. Owning real estate here is a win win. If you’re interested in learning how to purchase property in Sicily, head to the menu bar on the landing page and click the link for my book on Buying Italian Real Estate and follow up by reaching out to Joe or Carmelo at MY HOUSE. They’re the top real estate agents in the area and can help you make that Italian home ownership dream become a reality. You can also head to the Vino page for information on local vineyards VINO or REAL ESTATE to see my before and after photos from my home buying journey.

I want to the thank the people of Alessandria Della Rocca for your hospitality, your kindness and welcoming me with open arms. I will forever be grateful for all the friends that I’ve made along the way and look forward to being part of your community for the years to come.

One Comment

  1. Very informative, can’t wait to visit!