The Final Stages, A Sicilian Real Estate Story

T-Minus 30 days and counting until I reach the promise land. The contractors start early morning to beat the Sicilian heat. By 11 a.m it’s too late. 100 degree temp without a cloud in the sky hit come noon. Summer’s heat is no joke in the south of Italy. Come 1:30 they will retire for siesta till sunset. Each day a little more gets done. Artisan’s work is never rushed but more carefully crafted. Finishing touches should be completed by the time I touch down on the runway in Palermo. I’ll make sure to bring refreshments. Couldn’t be more excited to see the final results and share with you. In the mean time, I’m writing a short but one of the most in depth ebooks on the home buying process for Americans in Italy. No more searching multiple websites for half ass info and the run around. I’ll post a link soon. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Ciao!